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Video can massively grow your business

Video can massively grow your business! it’s a statement we often hear. Video is the key to unlocking the true potential of your website and raising your individual profile and industry influence. Steve Mills and Steve Hyland will be talking about how video can massively grow yow business by simply having a marketing strategy that includes strategic video content. We also look at how you should incorporate video into every aspect of your marketing from website design to email automation campaigns and social media.

Research into the impact of Video is very convincing:

2018 Video Marketing Volume Statistics

  • 82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter
  • YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of total internet users
  • 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.
  • More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day.
  • One-third of online activity is spent watching video.
  • Over half a BILLION people are watching video on Facebook every day.

Who is Steve Mills

Steve Mills is an old friend to the programme. He helps companies to grow sales by making Sales and Marketing more effective. He does this by finding overlooked sales and marketing opportunities and customising the sales and marketing processes.

He’s been featured on TV, Radio and throughout the media. and worked in the UK, USA, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Switzerland & Vietnam. He has over 300 published videos on YouTube and 1,000’s of blog posts. He’s an on-demand business speaker, trainer and advisor, with a social media following of over 250,000 people, with over 10 years of content viewed and 50,000 page views every month.


On this edition of Business Connections Live, Steve Mills will explain:

  • How to position yourself as an industry expert
  • How to promote your personal brand
  • Use as part of your social media campaigns
  • Improve your SEO
  • Repurpose for blogs and PR releases

Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:

  • Learn how powerful video posts on Linkedin can be.
  • Why subtitles are so useful
  • Tell your brand story
  • How to get started
  • What gear to use

Featured Programme:

How Video Collaboration can get things done BCL 228

with Doug Pidduck

Video Collaboration is changing the way we communicate socially and in business. Within a few short years, most websites will have the appearance of multichannel media organisations. On this programme we discuss how the workplace has changed out of all recognition in the past 40 years. We look at how much of it is driven by the introduction of new communication technologies aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness.

Find out How Video Collaboration can get things done For Free with Doug Pidduck

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