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Doing Business from the Bunker

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With so many changes forced upon us over the last few weeks caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic, Ian has been extremely busy spending his time with companies all around the world sharing ways in which they can keep their businesses moving even though they are forced to remain at home.

He’ll be joining us on Monday to share lots of ways in which you can stay focused, productive and prepared for the eventual and inevitable recovery surge.


Who is Ian Dickson

Ian Dickson is an International Business Speaker and Multi-Award Winning Business Coach. Since 2004 he has been helping business owners globally to become healthier, wealthier and happier.

On this edition of Business Connections Live, Ian Dickson will explain:

  • Things you can do today whilst we are in lockdown
  • Why customers and prospects should be 5th on your list of concerns
  • Why you should stop selling
  • Remote team management tips

Learn what the you can expect to achieve :

  • How to market in a recession
  • What to expect when the recovery comes

For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.

web: www.iandickson.co.uk

blog: www.iandickson.co.uk/my-blog 

facebook: www.facebook.com/iandicksonbiz

twitter: www.twitter.com/iandickson 

linkedIN: www.linkedin.com/in/iandicksonbiz 

youtube channel: www.youtube.com/iandickson1

email: ian@iandickson.co.uk

mobile:+44 7917 466688

Featured Programme:

How to create an online course BCL258

with Michael Brook

Your content is your greatest asset. You may be a trainer, consultant or speaker who would like to develop an online course. What are the secrets to developing a successful course?

Can you use existing material and repurpose it. How long should it be and most importantly how do you promote it?

Watch the show How to create an online course BCL258 with Michael Brook

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