How To Re-Target Your Ad Campaigns
How To Re-Target Your Ad Campaigns. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to advertise only to people who are interested in buying your products, and services? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to advertise only to people who are on your database?
And what if… you only paid for that advertising if they re-affirmed their interest by clicking on a link?
In this week’s programme we are going to discuss a new form of marketing not yet known to 90% of small businesses and one which is probably not yet used by your competitors. So, now is a great to time for you to get ahead of the curve and beat your competitors to this new form of marketing.
On this edition of Business Connections Live our guest is Steve Mills – The Prudent Marketer. Prudent Marketing is a unique approach to marketing created by Steve Mills. Steve is a former international sportsman and a specialist in helping businesses to ‘Raise their Game’. His Prudent Marketing System was developed over a period of 20 years and is based upon six ‘Raise your Game tactics:
On this edition of Business Connections Live, Steve will explain:
- How to advertise to people already interested in you
- How to advertise to your list
- How to display advertising to 50,000+ highly targeted people for a few pounds
- How to advertise on FaceBook and over 2.5 million other sites for less than the cost of an advert in a local newspaper
- How to improve your results
- How to increase the traffic that visits your website
Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:
1 Increased website traffic
Increased sales
- Better brand awareness
- Improved conversion rates
- reduced advertising costs
- Improved advertising results
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Twitter: @PrudentMarketer
Facebook: Steve Mills Prudent Marketer
LinkedIn: Steve Mills – The Prudent Marketer

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