How To Overcome Obstacles To Business Growth
How to overcome obstacles to business growth. How to get the most from your business. If your’re thinking of growing and expanding and thinking of the next level of growth. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to know how the business is performing today and the best opportunities for growth? What about finance? Wouldn’t it be great to have a visual plan and know exactly where to focus to build business value?
And what if… you only had the right information, better control, knowing your break-even point and an understanding of how the business cogs work, including your team? What about making the most of your resources and processes and looking ahead?
On this edition of Business Connections Live we discuss businesses getting the right information to understand and manage risk within your businesses to achieve your desired outcome as a business owner to give you the edge. Are you aware of all the options available to you as a business owner? So, now is a great to opportunity for you establish your end game and get the traction you need.
Our guest is Theda Gray – OI Business Solutions Manger. OI Business Solutions offers bespoke solutions to owner managed small and medium enterprise businesses. Theda joined the family business at the start of her career and is an Associate Chartered Management Accountant.
On this edition of Business Connections Live, Theda will explain:
i)Have you got too much to do as a business owner and not necessarily planning ahead and prioritising?
ii)Have you got the information you need to make decisions and are you looking ahead?
iii) What is your business health like? What reports do you look at?
iv) How do you build business value? v) What do you plan to do with the business long term?
vi) How can you stretch what you have?
v) What do you plan to do with the business long term?
Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:
i)An understanding of how your business is performing and identify opportunities for the business to undertake growth planning visually/on paper.
ii) Getting the right understanding and information means better control, better use of resources including cash requirements/forecasts
iii)Assistance in knowing how to read & understand financial reports can provide critical information and manage risk
iv)Help you to see how the team and business cogs work to help build business value
v)Putting an exit plan or succession plan in place and work with the business owner to achieve their desired outcome.
vi)Looking at alternatives for the right type of funding solutions for your business
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
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