Social Media Trends in 2016: Review and Trends to watch
On this edition of Business Connections Live we will be talking to Nicky Kriel and discussing recent changes on the major social media platforms that have taken place in the last year
- YouTube
And the trends to watch going forward:
- Think Mobile First
- Make Video a Priority
- Move towards the Pay-to-Play model
- Publishing on Social Media
- New platforms to watch
- New Buzz words
Nicky Kriel is a Social Media Consultant, Trainer and Author. Listed in the Top 10 UK marketing and advertising Klout influencers on social media by Brand Republic
On this edition of Business Connections Live, Nicky will explain:
- The round up of what’s been happening in Social Media in the last year
- What you have missed on Social Media News
- Social Media trends that you need to take into consideration
- Platforms to watch
Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can:
- Keep up to date on Social Media
- Be aware of how the changes and trends affect your business
- Be strategic about using Social Media in 2016
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Twitter: @NickyKriel
Social Media Blog:
The Book: Twitter For Business

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