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How To Launch A New Business

Starting a new business or adding a new product line to your existing service portfolio can be the most exciting thing you ever do – but it can be one of the most daunting too. There are so many different elements to think about, it’s very tempting to rush in and start trying to sell without taking the time to really pin down the who, what, why, when and how of your new service. It’s also really easy to get seduced by people trying to sell you the latest marketing idea or method, which could eat into your time and potential profit before you’ve even begun.

Emma and Anneve, directors and co-founders of The Marketing Matrix have managed launches which have ranged from large corporates with seven-figure marketing budgets to startups with little more than a great idea and some clever code.

Whatever your budget, clear messaging, a detailed understanding of your ideal client and a targeted approach to your communications campaign will create a strong foundation for growth.

On this edition of Business Connections Live, you will discover:

  • What IS your proposition and why does it matter?
  • Who is your IDEAL client?
  • Why communicating what makes your business different is so important
  • How to make it easier for your clients to buy from you
  • Why you should give your knowledge away – and what to expect in return
  • How to choose the best ways to reach your target audience

Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:

  • Clarity about the service your business provides
  • Saved time and heartache – only win the type of business that is right for you
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Packages, products and services that are easy for customers to buy
  • An understanding about what a valuable free download can achieve
  • Confidence choosing the right types of communication for your business and budget

For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.

Websiteshttp://www.startupfast.co.uk/    http://themarketingmatrix.co.uk/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/AnneveH

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/startupfast

The Book: http://www.StartupFast.co.uk/connections

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