How to have impact and influence.
No matter how experienced you are there are moments when you don’t feel as confident as you would like to. It might be when standing in front of a camera or on a stage but it can just as easily be when having a difficult conversation with a colleague, speaking to an important client or dealing with a complaint.
So the question is How to have impact and influence? There are techniques out there that will help you be more confident and effective and some of them are from the world of theatre
Sally Hindmarch is Managing Director of Partners With You Ltd. They use the skills of professional Actors to help their clients to look sound and feel more confident so that they have more Impact & Influence when delivering their message, whatever their role.
This edition of Business Connections Live will be a valuable insight into having Impact and Influence when talking to others.
How to have impact and influence, here’s what you will learn:
- By looking, and sounding more confident you will be more confident – it is a self -fulfilling cycle.
- The way you look and sound is deemed to be an indication of the quality of your service or product – you need to be aware of the impression that you make and how to change it if you choose to.
- We over complicate the words that we use because we think that’s what’s required but it often means you aren’t heard
- Your voice is a key to your credibility and just running through a few vocal exercises will make a huge difference
- You don’t need to be perfect or brilliant at presenting yourself you have to be authentic
- By adapting your behaviour for the person you are talking to you will change the reaction that you get and potentially the outcome.
Learn the business fundamentals on How to have impact and influence:
- By relaxing more and being themselves most people are able to communicate much more effectively and are taken more seriously.
- It doesn’t really matter what you do, if you look, sound and feel more confident you will come across as more competent!
- By changing your behaviour rather than waiting for the other person to change theirs you will get a different outcome and often a much better one.
- Your impact and influence start and end with your your body language and voice and they are directly affected by what you are thinking. Change one and you start to change the others.
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
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