EU Referendum Debate
The EU Referendum Debate – How will the outcome of the referendum affect your business? Even if you are not directly exporting to the EU, you may well find that some of your customers and suppliers are which could have an impact on your business. Our panel on today’s programme will debate all of the issues for Remain and Leave as they affect today’s SMEs and Entrepreneurs.
With just 4 days to go before the EU referendum, the latest polls show owners of small and medium-sized businesses are “evenly split” about whether Britain should leave the European Union.
On this edition of Business Connections Live we are joined by Louise Punter, CEO of Surrey Chambers of Commerce,(Neutral), Antonio Falco, Sales & Marketing Consultant (Leave) Stuart Miller, Managing Director of Warwick Legal Network (legal ramifications) and a live phone in from John Bridge, Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce
On this edition of Business Connections Live, we will discuss:
• The affects of the EU Referendum on SMEs
• Why it may affect your business even if you are not an exporter
• Unpicking of the regulatory process if we vote leave.
• What the benefits are of a leave vote
• What the benefits are of a remain vote.
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce

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