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Why advertisers who are maxed out on digital are turning back to TV and radio advertising to boost revenues.  Radio is possibly one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising.

The only reason to advertise is to get more results than if you hadn’t advertised in the first place. Only the largest businesses can afford to do brand advertising. For the rest of us it has to prove ROI. Banner advertising is dead in the water – what next?

On this edition of Business Connections Live we talk to Richard Teideman is an entrepreneur who has worked in media and advertising for over 19 years. Richard has overseen over 150 TV campaigns and in his career has seen upwards of 5000 radio campaigns.

How does radio advertising work? It’s all about repetition. Unlike print advertising where repetition has a diminishing effect, radio advertising has the opposite effect with response rates building over time.

Does Radio Advertising Really Work

  • Digital is not the be all and end all of advertising
  • No one will tell you that their digital isn’t working – but lots of them are finding this
  • The only reason to advertise is to get more results than if you hadn’t advertised in the first place. Only the largest businesses can afford to do brand advertising. For the rest of us it has to prove ROI
  • Banner advertising is dead in the water – what next?
  • Radio advertising is a viable alternative
  • How TV advertising works


  • Find out the truth about digital advertising
  • Find out how radio and TV advertising works
  • Find out how they can assess their marketing activity easily
  • Find out what the future trends are
  • Find out what the biggest brands are doing next year

Richard Teideman is an entrepreneur who has worked in media and advertising for over 19 years. He now helps companies who need to raise investment and consults with companies who are looking to maximise their advertising. Richard has overseen over 150 TV campaigns and in his career has seen upwards of 5000 radio campaigns. Richard is now non-exec with a number of companies including a TV production company, two digital agencies and a strategic finance house.






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