TBNS2014 The Business Networking Show 2014
If you did’t make it to the show you can catch up here with some of the keynote speakers. It was a fantastic day which included, networking, networking, networking, speaker zones, exhibition arena, panel discussions, speed networking, 1-1 area, media zone, breakfast & lunch networking meetings plus much more! It’s was AMAZING! and you will be if you subscribe! TBNS2014 Now a chance to watch the show in full and each of the individual interviews from the Business Networking Show Wolverhampton.
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Business Connections Live TV would like to thank the AA for the support at The Business Networking Show 2014 at Wolverhampton. Steve Hyland of Business Connections Live TV said ” its encouraging to know that the leading motoring organisation is very aware of the iimportanceof small business to the UK economy. Not only rescuing motorists by the roadside but also supporting SMEs across the UK.”
The AA are one of theUK’s most trusted brands and most popular breakdown cover provider. The AA also offers car insurance, home insurance, route planning, travel and boiler cover
UK-wide business networking. With a 4N Passport visit any of 5000+ lively, friendly and unstuffy meetings run each year. 3 real biz appointments at each meet.
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