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How To Stand Out From The Crowd

With the blizzard of information, news and social media, it’s a tough environment for businesses to get their messages across and for their prospects and customers to hear them. While individuals, either as part of an organisation or running their own business, can feel overwhelmed by which messages they should be focusing on as well as the choice of ever-expanding communications channels.

On this edition of Business Connections Live, Denise Quinlan and Mark Walker will be sharing some of their specialist knowledge & experiences on how they help individuals and businesses to address some of these challenges, stand out from the crowd, engage their audiences and build their brand.

Denise Quinlan, Insightful Images: a specialist business photographer who brings out your individuality, talents and professionalism to promote you, your business and your brand to your customers.

Mark Walker, Burway PR, an independent consultant helping companies build their brand with news and memorable content

On this edition of Business Connections Live, Denise and Mark will explain:

How you can use your business portrait photographs to:

  • Boost your professional profile
  • Update your company’s image
  • Engage your prospects

How you can use memorable news and comment to:

  • Differentiate your organisation
  • Tell the real story of how you help your customers
  • Get your organisation’s voice heard among the social media noise

Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:

  • An engaging company profile
  • An engaging professional profile
  • A modernised company brand
  • A leadership position in your target market
  • A better connection with prospects and customers
  • More from your communications budget


For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.


Denise Twitter: @insightfulphoto

Mark Twitter: @markc17th

Denise LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/denise-quinlan/2/261/219

Mark LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/markjwalker1

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