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What’s your Utterly Seductive Proposal?

and why you should make the time to get one.


Business is about standing out, not blending in. It’s also about having a unique product your Ideal Target Clients can’t buy anywhere else.
We’re to talk about how people under-communicate in business on their websites, on social media, on their printed items and in person.

Who is Tim Coe

Tim Coe – USP Authority.

Tim runs a marketing business for professionals and qualified experts.

When it comes to marketing, people really struggle with what to say about themselves and their product, that’s where Tim comes in. WHAT are you going to say – and HOW are you going to say it?

He helps you get your message across with slick marketing tools that capture people’s attention and make the right first impression.

No PPC, SEO or Algorithm Analysis guaranteed – just tangible marketing tools people can watch, read and touch.

As author of the 2014 marketing book Your Utterly Seductive Proposal, Tim’s mission is simple – to help you see what you can’t already see about your businesses, your products and sometimes yourself.

If you don’t care how your business looks to others Tim probably isn’t for you.
He wants to make you look great.

On this edition of Business Connections Live, Tim discusses:

  • What is an Utterly Seductive Proposal and why you should take the time to get one.
  • What an Utterly Seductive Proposal is not and the things you should never say in your marketing.
  • How to open conversations with prospects by having a compelling OFFER as your Call-to-Action.
  • How to FOLLOW-UP without it looking like follow-up.

You will Learn

  • You’ll make yourself or your product Discussable, Unforgettable, Distinctive and Unique
  • You’ll stop wasting valuable space and words in your marketing with meaningless drivel
  • You’ll stop saying ‘Call for more details’ in your marketing
  • When you follow-up you’ll be adding value and not skirting around the big question of whether they’re going to buy

Take the 24hr USP Challenge at timcoe.com

  • Take the 24hr USP Challenge at timcoe.com
    Together, you and I will create a new and exciting way to talk about your product that addresses WHO should buy it and HOW it solves their problem. Get it at timcoe.com

For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.

YouTube –  youtube.com/MyUspBiz
Facebook – facebook.com/MyUsp

Featured Programme:

Making Word of Mouth Really Work BCL229

with Graham Wilson

Word of Mouth Marketing is seen as the most powerful way to grow a business, over 80% of all Word of Mouth conversations happen in the real world, between people. We all love stories. Yet most people think it just happens, in fact, there is a method and process to effective WOM.

Watch the show Making Word of Mouth Really Work BCL229 with Graham Wilson

How to make Word of Mouth really work

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