Effective communicator Paul Ryan
Interpersonal Communication For Business. Businesses world wide thrive on those who communicate clearly and passionately but one business leader estimated that, in his view, 80% of all communications in the work place fail. So by this rationale 4 out of 5 times people interact with each other in the work place is a pointless waste of time. The financial implications of this are massive. One of the key areas Paul works in is presentation skills and we will be discussing ways in which this most nerve shredding of necessary evils can be transformed from a dry mouthed disaster to an opportunity to represent your company in a way that will always engage, inform and motivate.
On this edition of Business Connections Live we talk to Paul Ryan. Presentation Skills Trainer and personal Impact Coach, speaker. Author of ‘How To Network Your Way To Success’ Also professional Actor since 1978…Productions including Mamma Mia, Round The Horne, Noises Off, Oliver!
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