Darren Chapman Talks to Steve Hyland about Using Cyber Security as a differentiator. Why is it important for your business.
One of the common barriers to Cyber Security is that it is seen as a cost.
Done right, particularly in today’s climate of growing awareness of our rights to privacy and data protection, GDPR etc., businesses can use strong security as a differentiator.
CyberScale was set up in 2017 by Darren Chapman to deliver pragmatic IT security support and solutions to businesses large and small. CyberScale offers Cyber Security assessments, Data Protection and GDPR data security support, Advisory services and Awareness Programmes. Its particular aim is to enable businesses to prepare and protect themselves without getting in the way of doing business, hence Pragmatic IT Security.
Website www.cyberscale.co.uk
Twitter @@CyberScaleUK
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with Troy Norcross
What is a Blockchain – What’s the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain? This is the quick explanation you’ve been waiting for.
Troy runs through the best use for blockchain technology and why. The big question lies in DATA. Namely, ownership of that data. Bitcoin has no corporation behind it. It is run, owned and managed by the community with no single point of control, which is why it is a poster child for Blockchain. Shared, transparent access to data is the centre key of Blockchain technology. The Data belongs to the community, the Business provides the access.
Find out more about What is a Blockchain with Troy Norcross