Streamed live on 30th July 2014

Twitter Time Tools  Tips Business Connections Live Programme 46

This is the ultimate Twitter How To with one of the leading authority’s on using Twitter in Business, Nicky Kriel. We look at how to manage your twitter time, The tools that help you manage your twitter account and tweets and and some tips that let you get the most from the social media platform.

Twitter Time Tools and Tips

Twitter is probably the easiest Social Media platform to come to grips with, yet the one with the highest fear factor. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with the noise and the constant need to think of what to Tweet in what seems a fast flowing river of information.  If you are wondering how to find the time to use Twitter for your business, how to filter the noise and how to be more effective using Twitter, this is the programme for you.

  • Time– Finding the time, managing your time and the best time to Tweet
  • Tools – Talk about a few tools that are very useful to help you be more effective -monitoring conversations, sourcing content to share, scheduling tweets, managing your followers, measuring the effectiveness of what you are doing
  • Tips – New things on Twitter that you might not know about eg Twitter Cards

Twitter has over 500 million users and 135,000 new users signing up every day so it is a great place for you to connect with your target audience. And by following the advice in this programme you can make it work for your business as part of an effective marketing strategy.

  • Set goals and objectives
  • Have a social media policy
  • Schedule tweets
  • Use hashtags
  • Structure your tweets
  • Retweet anything interesting that may help your customers
  • Don’t spam!

By getting involved in the conversation, you can make twitter a valuable asset to your business and to your customers. Get started today!   Nicky Kriel Social Media Consultant, Trainer and Author of How to Twitter for Business Success working with business owners to inspire and empower you to use Social Media more strategically to grow your business author of “How to Twitter for Business Success

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Steve Hyland Co-owner of Business Connections Live The UK’s Leading Online Business Channel, thats dedicated to providing entrepreneurs, start ups, SME’s and business the key advice they need to succeed. Radio and Television Broadcaster , loves all things tech and wine!