Losses to Profit Julianne Ponan
Why Time Management Is Crucial For Profit
As a young entrepreneur Julianne started with taking on a business at 22 in heavy losses with only 1 member of staff, she has gone through wearing many different hats in the business and learnt from the mistakes made along the way.
Along the way she has learnt key lessons in order to propel her business from losses to profit which will be shared today.
One being managing your 24 hours in the day! Every entrepreneur has the same 24 hours in the day, whether it be Richard Branson or not. It’s what you do with those 24 hours a day that counts! Today you will learn how to get the most output through infrastructure and goal setting.
Julianne believes that when in the early stages of starting a business it is always difficult and the best way to learn, is to learn from other entrepreneurs who have been there and done it. Surrounding yourself with likeminded people will not only push you to strive to the next level, but also learn from mistakes they have made. This is where choosing the networking events you go to can be crucial.
This edition of Business Connections Live we talk to Julianne Ponan owner and CEO of Creative Nature a superfood brand. Developing a Superfood brand and within an 18 month period she had put the company back into profit, raising the brands profile and launching new product lines all with only 2 members of staff.
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Website: http://www.creativenaturesuperfoods.co.uk/
Twitter: @creativenature @julianneponan
Facebook: Creative Nature Superfoods
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