Seed Funding with Layer Fair and Andrew Weaver
Seed Funding for Start Ups can be a daunting prospect. Andrew Weaver, CEO at LawyerFair, has just gone through the process and shares the perils and pitfalls of the fund raising process with you based on his own personal experience of recently closing a seed round for LawyerFair. A lot of the information and experience can be transferred across to any business looking to raise finance but as there is lots of excitement in start ups at the moment, that’s where our focus will be.
What is the route map for seed funding
What are investors looking for
What you should and shouldn’t include in your investment pack ………………
Picking the right funder for your business – it’s not just about money
Getting the timing right
Understanding what the money is for and how you’re going to use it
See the pitfalls and perils of the fund raising process
Focus on what investors want, not what the entrepreneurs thinks they want
Recognising consistent errors made when fund raising in a competitive market
Finding the right fit between business and funder
Understanding what metrics matter and what vanity metrics to ignore
Building a team & network, you can’t do this alone and no-one will back you if you think you can
Andrew Weaver, CEO at LawyerFair (Legal Comparison Service for Business Owners),
Director of Gorgeous Places to Stay (Property & Holiday Rental Company in Cornwall), Investor, Mentor, Blogger, Podcaster
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