Export Opportunities for UK Business. Everyone should be exporting.
All businesses have one main objective, which is to sell as much as possible of their products and services.
The UK has a finite number of potential customers so the only way to increase sales beyond that finite customer base is to export. Every country has particular demands for certain things but one thing is still very much the case and that is that British suppliers are seen as high quality providers, whether it is a product or service.
The UK economy can only grow and prosper if more businesses export so there is a great deal of help available to support exporters. Surrey Chambers is one access point to the help available and as a business support organisation is committed to helping to increase exports
Our guest on this edition of Business Connections Live is Louise Punter CEO of Surrey Chambers of Commerce, the most active business representation organisation in Surrey
Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.
Website: http://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurreyChambers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/louisepunter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExportSurrey
LinkedIn: Surrey Chambers of Commerce
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