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Thinking About The Customer Perspective BCL208

Thinking About The Customer Perspective

On this edition of Business Connections Live Steve Hyland asks David Williams the founder and leader of Shuttle why you should be Thinking About The Customer Perspective. Do you know your customers? Who are they? Why do they buy from you?  And what’s it like to buy from you?

Some of the best new start-ups today are investing heavily in learning about first-customer persona long before starting on any product development. This is the strategy that helps them win business from established big corporates.

Knowing your ideal customer persona is one thing, but what’s it like to buy from you?

So it begs the question, do companies try and buy their own products? Do they understand what it’s like to be their own customer?   In the way a chef tries her own food before serving, so a bank should try and open an account with itself.

David Williams is the founder and leader of Shuttle, a new technology company helping banks to work with new customers.

On this edition of Business Connections Live, David will explain:

  • That understanding customer persona is central to success in any business
  • That buying your product from your customers perspective will teach you more about your business than any consultant could ever tell you
  • Every business has two versions of a customer journey; the ‘expected’ journey and the ‘actual’ journey.

Learn the business fundamentals on how your business can achieve:

  • Bring products to market much more quickly and effectively when you understand your customers are and what matters to THEM.
  • Happier customers because you’ll help them, their way.
  • You’ll save time, money and energy.
For more great information visit our Guests website or follow them on Social Media.Websitehttp://shuttleon.com/ Twitter: @Shuttle_on  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10867810/  
BCLbusinessTV Team

Steve Hyland Co-owner of Business Connections Live The UK’s Leading Online Business Channel, thats dedicated to providing entrepreneurs, start ups, SME’s and business the key advice they need to succeed. Radio and Television Broadcaster , loves all things tech and wine!